Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Perfection of the Imperfect

Sometimes we have to realize that an apple is just an apple, a stone is just a stone, and a man is just a man. When we love someone we tend to turn them into larger images in life than they really are. We fail to remember that they are only human, with human weaknesses and human shortcomings. We take their imperfectness as a personal affront and base our own happiness on these imperfections. I am guilty of this. I often blame my own frustrations on the one man in my life that often jumps through hoops to make me smile. It is is crazy that anyone could know me so well as to pull me from my silent reveries, as if he knows which painful memory has just surfaced. We are not perfect people, yet we expect utter perfection from our mates? Are we mad?

I also have witnessed marriages fall apart because one partner's expectations of the other are extremely impossible. Just recently a friend of mine had issues in her marriage. Her husband moved out without warning and she was left with the child and the debt. She devoted all her attention in getting him to come back home. When I asked her why he left she had no answer. This is a cycle with them. He leaves, she begs, he comes back. But what are they fixing? She asked me for my advice, which I do not like to give, I told her what I knew from experience, you cannot force someone to love you the way you want them to love you. You can only love you the way you want to be loved. You live your life they way that is beneficial for you and your child(ren) and forget about the rest. The best thing to do is to show your partner the love you wish for them to return. I show my husband love every day, I thank Jehovah for him every chance I get, he's not perfect; not by a long shot, but hey neither am I.

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